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"I'm passionate to help you break free from limiting beliefs and old worn out habits, that are no longer serving you well. My purpose as a coach/ therapist is for you to live your life with ease"

Hi, I'm Jackie Pearson, the principal therapist at

The Calming Touch.


Since 2004 I have trained in a variety of Holistic Modalities. I have worked with a wide range of clients,of all ages and all walks of life.

I have worked with clients as a therapist, a mentor, a coach and a trainer. I'm passionate about helping you to break free from the old habits that are keeping you stuck, where you are.

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Imagine being able to follow your heart instead of being blocked by limiting beliefs and old habits that no longer serve you.

We never know what life has in store for us. There are  some circumstances we can't change. However, if we want to feel better about the situation we've found our self in, there's something we can do - change our perception. This will lead us to a happier and more fulfilled life for as long as possible. 


Because approx 95% of what we do is unconscious, it stands to reason, the majority of the time we don't even realise what our limiting beliefs are. We have beliefs about most things, health, age, relationships, work, business, money etc. It is only when we feel resistance, unease, and lack of motivation that we may notice that our beliefs are outdated or limiting us in some way.


Your wellbeing can be raised massively by finding out what your limiting beliefs are in any of these areas. When we hold on to limiting beliefs that no longer serve us well, this can lead us to become ill, stressed, drained, with no energy left to do the things we love to do. 


I offer a range of modalities including, Reiki Healing, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Energy Work, Hypnotherapy,  NLP Coaching and EFT that can help you realise and release your outdated/limiting beliefs.  

Get in touch to work with me and notice just how much easier your life starts to flow. 

Declutter your way to less stress and anxiety

When I work with clients who are experiencing overwhelming anxiety, and stress, it becomes apparent that as well as their minds being cluttered up with 'stuff' so are their homes and offices.


I've assisted clients in decluttering, sorting and organising their belongings as part of the work I do which has eased the burden and brought forth clarity, space and calm. This makes perfect sense, as it's all energy, sitting around static, clogging up people's lives, draining and sometimes overwhelming, not knowing where to start. 


It's amazing seeing the change people make, once they feel more in control of their space and place, a sense of order, not chaos, life just seems to flow better. Try it yourself, spend a day decluttering your home or even just one room and notice how much better you feel!

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